Affiliate Marketing Cashflow

The Importance of Cash Flow with Affiliate Marketing

“Make money today!”
“Start earning money instantly!”

Sound familiar? These are common claims we see all around the web every day: Especially in the Internet marketing industry. These types of claims are particularly popular when someone’s talking about affiliate marketing. What’s not talked about often though, is the reality of marketing affiliate products and programs.

Specifically: The reality of cash flow.

Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest businesses to get started with online. It takes practically no time to get set up, and you can earn a lot of money over time. Technically, you actually can start earning money almost immediately by promoting an affiliate program, or even putting AdSense ads on your website. The catch is: No matter how much money you make that first day, you are not going to have that money in your hand… or in your pocket… or even in your bank account for some time. In some cases it may be two to three weeks before you actually get the money in hand. Other times however, it can take two to three months. And it’s because of this that most affiliate marketers run into trouble before they’ve really gotten fully started in their business.
They don’t understand the concept of cash flow.

Cash flow is essentially the flow of cash in and out of your hands. You can’t pay bills or put food on the table with money you’ve earned but not yet been paid. If you’re earning money but you will not actually receive that money for some time, and you spend money out of pocket in the meantime, you may find yourself in a negative cash flow situation. In other words, you are spending all of your available…

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